A comprehensive narrative review on psychotherapies for patients with autism spectrum disorders

Submitted: 2024 October 20
Accepted: 2024 October 28
Published: 2024 November 11
Abstract Views: 284
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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Psychotherapeutic interventions must tailor to meet the specific needs of individuals with ASD, given their diverse presentation of symptoms and functioning levels. This narrative review explores the range of psychotherapies available for individuals with ASD, examining their methodologies, effectiveness, and suitability. By using targeted search terms such as “autism,” “autistic disorder,” “autism spectrum disorders,” “psychotherapy,” “psychological intervention,” and “psychosocial intervention,” an extensive review of publications in English from 2000 to 2024 was conducted. This review covered several databases, including Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. The review identified ten major psychological interventions for the treatment of individuals with ASD: behavioral therapies, developmental therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, family therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, parent-mediated interventions, and dance movement psychotherapy. The main text elaborates on the effects of each intervention on various aspects of ASD. By providing this comprehensive overview, clinicians can select appropriate therapeutic strategies that cater to the individual profiles of those with ASD, ultimately enhancing therapeutic outcomes and quality of life for this population.



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How to Cite

Kasaeiyan R, Noor IM, Burchi E. A comprehensive narrative review on psychotherapies for patients with autism spectrum disorders. Mental Wellness [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];2(1). Available from: https://www.mental-wellness-journal.net/mw/article/view/18